Press Releases
New Release: Dancing with Angels in Heaven
Huntsville, AR—February 15, 2022—Ozark Mountain Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Dancing with Angels in Heaven: Tidings of Hope from the Spirit Realm by Garnet Schulhauser.
Dancing with Angels in Heaven, which is Schulhauser’s fifth non-fiction book in the spiritual genre, continues the saga of the author’s spiritual awakening that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise. The author’s first four books, Dancing on a Stamp, Dancing Forever with Spirit, Dance of Heavenly Bliss and Dance of Eternal Rapture, describe his first meeting with Albert and the provocative dialogue that ensued, as well as a series of astral trips he took with Albert to the Spirit Side and to other parts of our galaxy.
In his fifth book, the author recalls a trip to the Spirit Side to observe an orientation class about Earth for souls planning to incarnate on our planet. In this session, souls learn about the origin of the universe, the true nature of souls, the preparation of Life Plans for each new incarnation, the purpose of a human journey on Earth, the role of spirit guides and guardian angels in our lives, the joyful transition of souls back to the Spirit Side in the afterlife, and the illuminating aspects of the Life Review we will all enjoy after leaving our bodies behind.
In the Spirit Realm, he was thrilled to meet several famous historical figures, including Albert Einstein, Marie Antoinette, and Mother Teresa, who recalled the wisdom they had gained from their lives on Earth.
His most fascinating experience was hearing a conversation with three wise Masters, Jesus, Mohammad, and Moses, who discussed returning to Earth one day as a much-needed messiah to lead humans onto the path of spiritual enlightenment.
Dancing with Angels in Heaven (ISBN 9781950608034) is available for purchase from Ozark Mountain Publishing at this time, or from all the popular online stores as of March 1st (BUY links on the author’s website:, and from many bricks-and-mortar bookstores.
About Garnet Schulhauser
Garnet Schulhauser is a retired lawyer who lives near Victoria, on Vancouver Island. After practicing corporate law for over thirty years in Calgary with two blue-chip law firms, he retired in 2008 and his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, was published in 2012, followed by his second, third, and fourth books, Dancing Forever with Spirit, Dance of Heavenly Bliss, and Dance of Eternal Rapture, in 2015, 2016, and 2018, respectively. Since the release of his first book, Garnet has been active with speaking engagements and has been a frequent guest on radio talk shows. More information about Schulhauser and his books can be found on his website:
New Release: Dance of Eternal Rapture
Huntsville, AR—January 10, 2018—Ozark Mountain Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Dance of Eternal Rapture: Understanding Who We Are on the Human Journey by Garnet Schulhauser.
Dance of Eternal Rapture, which is Schulhauser’s fourth non-fiction book in the spiritual genre, continues the saga of the author’s spiritual awakening that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise. The author’s first three books, Dancing on a Stamp, Dancing Forever with Spirit and Dance of Heavenly Bliss, describe his first encounter with Albert and the provocative dialogue that ensued, as well as a series of astral trips he took with Albert to the Spirit Side and to other parts of our galaxy.
In his fourth book, the author describes his most recent astral trips with Albert who introduced him to some wise and famous souls in the Spirit Realm, including Mohammed, Buddha, Mary Magdalene, and Jesus, all of whom revealed startling new truths about their lives on Earth. As well, he was honored to hear words of wisdom from two famous Archangels, Ariel and Michael.
On the Earth plane, the author met with Gaia, the consciousness of Mother Earth, who reiterated her warning that humans must stop polluting our planet and abusing her beloved creatures, or things would end very badly for our civilization.
And one of his most fascinating adventures involved a journey to Earth in a parallel universe where the American Civil War never happened because Europe had abolished slavery before the colonization of America, and the World Trade Towers in New York were still standing because Islam did not exist as a religion due to the tragic death of Mohammed at an early age.
Dance of Eternal Rapture (ISBN 9781940265476 ) can be purchased from Ozark Mountain Publishing, from all the popular online stores (with BUY links on the author’s website:, and from many Barnes & Noble and Chapters Indigo stores.
About Garnet Schulhauser
Garnet Schulhauser is a retired lawyer who lives near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, with his wife Cathy. After practicing corporate law for over thirty years in Calgary with two blue-chip law firms, he retired in 2008 and his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, was published in 2012, followed by his second and third books, Dancing Forever with Spirit and Dance of Heavenly Bliss, in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Since the release of his first book, Garnet has been active with book signing tours and speaking engagements and has been a frequent guest on radio talk shows. More information about Schulhauser and his books can be found on his website:
New Release: Dance of Heavenly Bliss
Huntsville, AR—February 23, 2016—Ozark Mountain Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Dance of Heavenly Bliss: Divine Inspiration for Humanity by Garnet Schulhauser.
Dance of Heavenly Bliss, which is Schulhauser’s third non-fiction book in the spiritual genre, continues the saga of the author’s spiritual awakening that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise. The author’s first two books, Dancing on a Stamp and Dancing Forever with Spirit, describe his first encounter with Albert and the provocative dialogue that ensued, as well as a series of astral trips he took with Albert to the Spirit Side and to other parts of our galaxy.
In his third book, the author recounts more astral adventures with Albert who took him to meet a number of distinguished souls on the Spirit Side, including Moses, Jesus and his mother Mary, Lucifer, and the god-dess Athena. In the Akashic Records, he got to view an ancient human civilization that lived among the dinosaurs, the building of Stonehenge with the help of visitors from the stars, and the crash of the alien spacecraft near Roswell in 1947.
These astral trips included visits to other planets with human civilizations that are much different from our own, including one with a matriarchal society ruled by women, as well as a frightening encounter with a Black Hole that opened a doorway for the author to enter a fascinating sub-atomic world.
Dance of Heavenly Bliss (ISBN 9781940265322 ) can be purchased from Ozark Mountain Publishing, from all the popular online stores (with BUY links on the author’s website:, and from many Barnes & Noble and Chapters Indigo stores.
About Garnet Schulhauser
Garnet Schulhauser is a retired lawyer who lives near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, with his wife, Cathy, and little dog, Abby. After practicing corporate law for over thirty years in Calgary with two blue-chip law firms, he retired in 2008 and his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, was published in 2012, and his second book, Dancing Forever with Spirit, was published in 2015. Since the release of his first book, Garnet has been active with book signing tours and speaking engagements and has been a frequent guest on radio talk shows. More information about Schulhauser and his books can be found on his website:
New Release: Dancing Forever with Spirit
Huntsville, AR—April 8, 2015—Ozark Mountain Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Dancing Forever with Spirit: Astonishing Insights from Heaven by Garnet Schulhauser.
Dancing Forever with Spirit, which is Schulhauser’s second non-fiction book in the spiritual genre, continues the saga of the author’s spiritual awakening that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise—an emissary from the spirit world, as recounted in the author’s first book, Dancing on a Stamp.
In this sequel, the author describes his most recent exploits with Albert who guided him on a series of out-of-body adventures to explore a dazzling white city on the Spirit Side, other planets in the galaxy with intriguing life forms, and some of the far-flung regions of our planet that suffer from human abuse. These fascinating astral excursions included a visit to a water planet where the resident cetaceans implore humans to stop the carnage of their cousins on Earth, a rendezvous with a benevolent race of extra-terrestrial beings who have been observing Earth for eons, a trip to another dimension to observe the idyllic world of humans who made the shift to the New Earth, and a peak at the secret life of Jesus. These escapades with Albert were designed to rouse humans from their callous stupor by displaying some of the inexcusable abuse humans inflict on Mother Earth, the other creatures on our planet, and on other humans, with the hope that we will renounce the dark side of humanity in favour of spiritual enlightenment.
Dancing Forever with Spirit (ISBN 978-1940265070) can be purchased from Ozark Mountain Publishing, from all the popular online stores (with BUY links on the author’s website:, and from many Barnes & Noble and Chapters Indigo stores.
About Garnet Schulhauser
Garnet Schulhauser is a retired lawyer who lives near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, with his wife, Cathy, and little dog, Abby. He grew up on a small farm in Saskatchewan and moved to Calgary, Canada, after law school where he practiced corporate law for over thirty years with two blue-chip law firms. After retiring in 2008, he began writing and his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, was published in 2012, with the sequel, Dancing Forever with Spirit, released in 2015. Since the publication of his first book, he has been active with book signing tours and speaking engagements and has been a frequent guest on radio talk shows. More information about Schulhauser and his books can be found on his website:
Dancing Forever with Spirit
Astonishing Insights from Heaven
North Saanich, British Columbia, November 15, 2014—Garnet Schulhauser is pleased to announce that his second non-fiction book, Dancing Forever with Spirit (Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.) (ISBN 978-1940265070), will be released in the first quarter of 2015, but can be pre-ordered from these online stores:
Chapters Indigo:
Barnes & Noble:
Book Depository:
Dancing Forever with Spirit, which is Schulhauser’s second book in the spiritual genre, continues the saga of the author’s spiritual awakening that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise—an emissary from the spirit world, as recounted in the author’s first book, Dancing on a Stamp.
About Garnet Schulhauser
Garnet Schulhauser is a retired lawyer who lives near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, with his wife, Cathy, and little dog, Abby. He grew up on a small farm in Saskatchewan and moved to Calgary, Canada, after law school where he practiced corporate law for over thirty years with two blue-chip law firms. After retiring from his law firm in 2008, he began his new career as an author and his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, was published in 2012. Since the release of his first book, Garnet has been active with book signing tours and speaking engagements and has been a frequent guest on radio talk shows. When he is not writing or connecting with his followers, Garnet enjoys golfing, nature walks in the forest with Abby, and family gatherings with his sons, Blake and Colin, and their partners, Lauren and Bergis, and granddaughter Kymera.
For more information on the book, please visit or contact Garnet Schulhauser at 250-240-1005 or
Dancing on a Stamp
Do You Know Why You Are Here?
Nanoose Bay, British Columbia, October 22, 2012—Garnet Schulhauser is pleased to announce the launch of his first non-fiction book, Dancing on a Stamp: Startling Revelations from the Other Side (Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.) (ISBN 978-1886940321). Dancing on a Stamp discloses startling new revelations about who we are, our purpose in life, what happens after death, and the true nature of God. These revelations fly in the face of almost everything Christian holy men have been preaching for centuries and will provide comfort and inspiration to the millions of people who are searching for meaning in their lives. The answers to all of life’s vexing questions come from a homeless man named Albert who stepped out the shadows one day to engage the author in a provocative dialogue that rocked his worldview and changed his life forever.
Albert (who was a wise spirit guide in disguise) reveals that we are all eternal souls who chose to experience life on Earth in order to grow and evolve. Each of us made our own decision to come here, and we planned the circumstances of our lives before we were born. In stark contrast to the beliefs of many religions, Albert tells us that God does not make rules for us to follow, and He does not judge or punish us for the things we do on Earth. Hell does not exist, and we cannot go wrong or become lost—we will always return to the love, peace, and happiness of the Spirit Side after we die. Albert urges us to enjoy the fullness of life by embracing love, hope, and forgiveness and casting aside our guilt and fear.
About Garnet Schulhauser:
Garnet Schulhauser practiced corporate law with two large law firms in Calgary, Alberta for 34 years before retiring to Vancouver Island in 2008, where he now lives with his wife, Cathy, and little dog, Abby. He grew up on a small farm in Saskatchewan and went to law school at the University of Saskatchewan before moving to Calgary to begin his legal career. Dancing on a Stamp is based on a series of conversations he had with a wise spirit in disguise who confronted him on the street one day in 2007 and asked him to write a book about his teachings.
For more information on the book, please explore or contact Garnet Schulhauser at 250-240-1005 or