Praise for Dance of Heavenly Bliss
After reading Garnet Schulhauser’s book Dance of Heavenly Bliss, and I am struck by his desire to improve humanity and his contact with Spirit, something that is obviously important to him. In many ways, with Albert as his guide, he has expressed his love for creatures on our planet, for humanity, and for the universe. Anybody who wishes to have a good read and an interesting journey in spirit should take this book and spend time to peruse the expressions given about the spirit world in order to make up their own minds on many questions that they have asked about the Other Side.
Well done, Garnet, for taking the time to provide humanity with alternative thoughts. Not everybody has the bravery that is required to express the differing opinions on the spirit world to the masses.—Katherine Bright ND, host of News for the Soul Radio (
In Dance of Heavenly Bliss, Albert’s newest revelations are infused with an added sense of urgency. Garnet Schulhauser’s Spirit Guide Albert showcases a sobering outlay of worldly events/higher consciousness prompts, suggesting our lifestyle and sustainability are at odds. It becomes all too clear that Mama Earth and our planetary cohabitants are in desperate need for humans to exit our adolescent phase … and soon. —Wendy Garrett, host of Conscious Living Radio (
With gentle humor and firm guidance from his spirit companion, Albert, Garnet Schulhauser’s new book takes an unflinching look at the ways in which we live out of alignment with our planet and our soul path. Offering a wake-up call of hope and inspiration, Dance of Heavenly Bliss is an inspiring read for those who seek a deeper connection with Spirit and who want to be part of a positive energetic shift that could transform life as we know it.—Karen Hager, intuitive guide & host of Out of the Fog Radio (
Garnet’s new book, Dance of Heavenly Bliss, is one of the most profound and thought-provoking books I have ever read! The book contains information that is nothing less than a gift to humanity on why we are here, and what is the purpose of life. With channeled messages from his spirit guide (Albert), the book provides an extremely unique and valuable insight into reincarnation, the purpose of life, the life plan, the life review, and provides, (according to Albert), “… inspiration and comfort to humans searching for meaning in their lives…”
Garnet was guided to write this wonderful book by his spirit guide, Albert, who took him on a series of out-of-body trips to meet several distinguished souls on the Spirit Side, including Moses, Jesus and his mother Mary, Lucifer, and the goddess Athena. In the Akashic Records, he got to view an ancient human civilization that lived among the dinosaurs, the building of Stonehenge with the help of visitors from the stars, and the crash of the alien spacecraft in Roswell in 1947. These astral trips included visits to other planets with human civilizations that are much different from our own, including one with a matriarchal society ruled by women, as well as a frightening encounter with a Black Hole in the center of our galaxy.
I urge everyone to read this book because of its important messages, which could help transform this planet into a beautiful world that is based on love, harmony, and peace – rather than hate, anger, and war… The white light is always much stronger than the dark. And I know the forces of light will win out against the forces of darkness, and I believe that there is a very bright and wonderful future for all of us!
—Ted Mahr, psychic and host of Out of this World Radio ( and host of the Galactic Wisdom Conference, bringing the best UFO, psychic, and spiritual healers to the Seattle, USA area annually every spring (
In his third book, Dance of Heavenly Bliss, Garnet Schulhauser continues the saga of his spiritual enlightenment with his spirit guide, Albert. During his astral excursions with his guide, the author conversed with Gaia (Mother Earth) and travelled to other planets with human civilizations, including an advanced matriarchal world ruled by women. And on his frequent visits to the Spirit Side, Garnet interviewed many famous and infamous souls, like Moses and Jesus—who regaled him with tales of their lives on Earth. This book is a riveting spiritual exposé designed to encourage humans to embrace love for one another and for Mother Earth and all of her creatures. It is uplifting and a joy to read, and highly recommended for anyone who yearns for more love and peace on our beautiful planet! –Karen Noé, host of Angel Quest Radio and Hay House author of Your Life After Their Death: A Medium’s Guide to Healing After a Loss (
Dance of Heavenly Bliss is yet another outstanding offering by author, Garnet Schulhauser. Inspiring and riveting, Garnet, via his spirit guide Albert, allows each of us to vicariously participate on his many excursions that serve to expand our conscious awareness. No stone is left unturned as he offers fresh perspective on age-old mysteries that currently persist in our time both on and off our magnificent earth. If one is seeking spiritual expansion; if one is looking for new perspectives on ancient concepts, then this book is definitely a must-read.—Ara Parisien, International Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher, and host of Virtual Vision FM (
Balance in all things. This new book from Garnet Schulhauser, Dance of Heavenly Bliss, focuses us to a wake-up call of huge proportions. As we travel with Garnet and Albert we begin to see where we have gone off course as a species and how this has adversely affected the place we call home, Gaia, Earth, Our Mother. The story line may not sooth the reader but I do not think it is supposed to. This book is a pointed notification to humanity, a call to action to stop just wringing our hands over the plight of the planet we live on and to do something to help it revert to the sustaining life force that it was originally intended to be.
As you continue to travel with Albert and Garnet, you will meet souls that you would like to talk to and get to eavesdrop on their conversations about why they did some of the things they did and what happened to them because and in spite of those actions. Garnet asks the tough, perplexing questions and some of the answers he gets may surprise you, BUT I guarantee you will also be enlightened. By reliving the experiences of the lives of these souls, the famous, infamous and nondescript, you will be given a new appreciation and tolerant understanding of just what it truly means to be a soul living a human experience both for others and yourself. —Chessie Roberts, host of Get on the Grid Radio and author of Evolving into Self, From the Puppet to the Master: My Evolution from the Cradle to the Grid (
Reviews Posted on
OMG I have just reviewed Garnet Schulhauser’s third Book “Dance of Heavenly Bliss’ and I have to say, I am BLOWN AWAY!!!
This book chronicles and illuminates some of the greatest mysteries of our world and gives many insights into life beyond the veil and the confines of the human mind. I will be chatting with Garnet again on Accentuate The Positive Media. If you have any questions for him let me know and I will put them to him.
All Garnets books are a MUST READ for anyone seeking MORE awareness of life and life beyond life! People with questions like Who am I? Where do I come from, why am I here, what is possible for me, is there life on other planets, if so what are they like, what will become of earth and the human race and HOW CAN WE HELP evolve our world!.
In this third book Garnet and his spiritual guide Albert, talk with higher dimensional beings who are incarnate as animals on our planet. Mother earth has her say about what humans are doing with her precious body. Some amazing folk laws and mysteries are revealed about the little people, giants, the man on the moon, Lucifer, mother Mary, Jesus, Hitler, Angels, Aliens, oh the list goes on and on.. I couldn’t wait to read this latest book when Garnet spoke about it with me last year during our first chat for radio, and it surpassed All my expectations. I JUST LOVE THIS BOOK!!!
I really believe Garnet Michael Schulhauser’s books are up there with some of the most enlightening and illuminating books in our world. Well Done Garnet and Albert.. Keep Dancing… ks x
Anna M. Szlavik
Highly Recommended
I highly recommend Garnet Schulhauser’s “Dance of Heavenly Bliss” to all those who are able to think outside the box, are involved in metaphysics and spirituality; to all those who believe that there must be, or is, a lot more to our regimented daily earthly reality. Astral traveling is fascinating, but not everyone is given the privilege to experience it. Garnet is a gifted writer who translates beautifully the countless marvels of our spiritual universe and generously shares his experiences and knowledge with all those who want to listen and learn about our very special soul community here and on the other side.
Karen Noé
.. riveting spiritual exposé designed to encourage humans to embrace love for one another
This book is a riveting spiritual exposé designed to encourage humans to embrace love for one another, and for Mother Earth and all of her creatures. It is uplifting and a joy to read, and highly recommended for anyone who yearns for more love and peace on this beautiful
I truly enjoyed this book. I have the first two book Garnet Schulhauser and also enjoyed these book too. The 3rd book Dance of Heavenly Bliss, was well written and loved reading the different experiences Garnet had with his guide Albert. A definite hard to put down book. Peg J
Connection, knowledge, awaking, insight, answers to our primordial questions and life lessons, need I say more??! Yes, Garnet’s messages passed through his writings from Albert and other positive souls throughout our existence are true gifts from our Creator. You will sense that you have known this all along. Reopen your mind and expose your soul. It’s time to make a difference and help our fellow souls. Please take the time to read all three of Garnet’s books. You won’t be disappointed. Enjoy
G. Ritch
Thank you again Garnet for allowing me on this spectacular informative journey into the spirit world! I have been following Garnet’s journey from his first encounter with Albert, his spirit guide in his first book Dancing on a Stamp! I believe if you have been fortunate to have read these books by Garnet, I really believe you have been guided and selected to receive this valuable knowledge and insights into the spirit world and beyond! To have the access to the explanatory answers and insights is a blessing and advancement in your own daily life. Thought provoking, inspiring and moving. At times I had to put the book down to digest the very powerful messages that struck me to my core and moved me to tears! Thank you Garnet and I look forward to the continued journey!
This kindlebook of Dance of Heavenly Bliss by Garnet Schulhauser includes some unique details on the author’s spiritual journeys with his main spirit guide Albert. For instance, there are details in chapter eleven the where he was discussing his past-life as a druid priest and the Stonehenge site. Out of consideration for the author, my soul is guiding me not to disclose a controversial detail about what is written in chapter 13 titled Strange Bedfellows. However, I feel it is karmically okay to say that this book is fine to look at if you are open-minded even if you believe in higher spiritual worlds of light and lower realms (due to the details of chapter 13 mainly being at least considered for a person with an open mind). I admit I have personal reasons why I believe in higher and lower realms of the afterlife (due to my exposure to both good and evil while I’ve been alive). The books that closely match my spiritual beliefs about the afterlife are Adventures In The Afterlife by William Buhlman, Voyage to Curiosity’s Father by Bruce Moen, and both afterlife themed books by Jurgen Ziewe (the most recent one being Vistas of Infinity). However, one of the positives of the book are that an informative insight is included on how a crisis or challenge in a person’s life can trigger a powerful thought, a miracle, and/or a stronger connection with their spirit guides (I just wish that there would have been more details about a connection with the higher self). The author dies touch on the issue of someone prematurely ending their own life, but the caveat is that the whole topic itself is complicated because there is a difference between someone who takes their own life and not that of anybody else’s as compared to people who kill themselves and intentionally take others with them. I don’t want to say more about it in this amazon review not because I condone suicide but because I intuitively understand that I must leave that issue to trained experts who can better deal with people who are directly and/or indirectly impacted by a suicide (due to the myriad of reasons that a person may take their life and/or tragically take the lives of others along with them). As for the prostitute story in chapter 17 Judge Not Others, I understand that not all prostitutes are the same personally and spiritually. However, unless prostitution is closely and frequently monitored by law enforcement officials and politicians to make it legal in the mainstream U.S, especially for prostitutes with children, there is always going to be a risk of the children and/or children of the prostitutes being raped by a shady customer of the mother. I personally would not work as a prostitute even if the profession became legal not out of a sense of superiority and/or condemning other prostitutes, but more because I’m fortunate to have been born an American woman who can access government help if I’m ever in true need of financial help (and I intuitively/logically understand that prostitution would spiritually traumatize my soul). I understand that the author meant well when he told the prostitute story, but not all former and/or current prostitutes in the United States care to protect their children as the woman Garnett talked to did and sometimes the male partners and/or husbands disappear on prostitutes even after promising them the world (please don’t get me started on the absentee and/or unknown fathers that arise from the prostitute profession). However, Chapter 19, Mother of God is also interesting to read and gives brief insight into why sometimes a life lived in obscurity can be a blessing. Last, but not least, Chapters 22-23 titled Angels On Call and Guidance From Beyond The Veil are two healing chapters where the author generously provides insight into how a person’s team of guardian angels and spirit guides work during that person’s lifetime on earth. Those two chapters alone (chapters 22-23) made it feel worthwhile for me to have followed my intuition to purchase this Dance of Heavenly Bliss by Garnet Schulhauser kindlebook. Of course, there is more to this book but my soul is guiding me to avoid disclosing more in this review out of consideration for others who want to purchase the Heavenly Bliss kindlebook and/or book by Garnet Schulhauser.
Wow! This is a fantastic book. The information is incredible and extremely important for our spiritual understanding and growth.
I was taken on a new incredible journey as I read Garnet Schulhauser’s Dance of Heavenly Bliss..He vividly describes everything he encounters as he astrol travels with his Spirit Guide Albert …he brought us face to face with famous people from history who have helped shape our lives our World our future…he has traveled into Mother Earth to meet her personally..& brings her message of warning & hope for humanity..he has stretched our minds & hearts to hear Truths that we have forgotten…he describes what it’s like to be in Spirit pure energy form be back Home…this is where he felt the magnificent energy of the union of Souls..the dance of heavenly bliss…there is so much more he shared so get your copy soon & be whisked away to a new the land of hope joy forgiveness & unconditional love…let Garnet & Albert open your eyes & hearts to life beyond the veil & heed the messages of Mother Earth so she can heal & ascend into her own Heavenly Bliss…thank you Garnet for continuing to share your amazing journey…love&light ..connie mayer
Love it, great information about the spirit world. Guides on how to enjoy our lives on this earth plane most importantly to love each other.
Reviews Posted on
Unconditional love is the path to peace and happiness.
This third books of Garnet’s is again a must read for those interested in exploring and experiencing adventures with spirit. i am grateful for Garnet’s books on many levels. There is much to explore, to question and to experience spirit through Garnet’s adventures with his spirit guide Albert. Garnet captures the essence of what we need to do and that is to love unconditionally to achieve peace, harmony and happiness.
Loved the next 2 books as well
Confirms many things I already believed and expanded on them. Loved the next 2 books as well.
Reviews Posted on
Five Stars
Brilliant just as good as his other books.
This is the third of Garnets books, all three books are well worth a read. I can’t wait for the fourth book and the insights and messages it will contain.